New Year's Goals -

Continue to learn, love, play, and grow.
No big declarations.
I simply want to be better; do better and be kinder.

I have ideas of what I want to happen -- created lists, vision collages, and filled notebooks with my dreams...

Thinking of the lessons from learning to walk on the tightrope. I saw my destination but had to honor each step - no rushing. If I fell, I got right back up so my memory wouldn't be of the fall. If I become overconfident and fell, I also get back up - each time with humility and more wisdom.

I stay in the middle of my hoop as much as possible. I don't put a lot of effort into doing more than I am capable of at the time; also, I don't play small anymore; I honor my capacity; know what I know.

I allow myself quiet days - recoup days, pity days, lazy days, me days, play dates ...
I don't have to be Super Woman anymore. I honor that I am Super right now as I am.

I am excited by what will unfold.
Every year, every day is full of possibilities.
Every year, every day ends with having gone through something - baby steps or giant.
I acknowledge the angels, the teachers, and the helpers in my life.
I am grateful to them; grateful to be alive.

And, as Beyonce says in her song, I AM HERE --
"I just want them to know
That I gave my all, did my best
Brought someone some happiness
Left this world a little better just because
I was here"

May we all do our best and bring someone happiness.
Here's to a wonder full year.

#live #love #grow #explore #discover #bekind #wonder #doyourbest


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“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton