“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton

Yesterday at the gym, I was on the elliptical when my partner John came over and tapped me on the shoulder wanting to introduce me to someone. Usually, he wouldn't want to bother me but this was almost too good to be true. Turns out John met this man when he was working in Probation -- this now man was 13 years old when John met him -- a boy who saw his father murdered in front of him at 4 years old and was beaten by the stepfather who killed his dad...John didn't know this story then, didn't know why this boy couldn't get his act together but saw his beauty regardless.
This was @54 years ago! And this boy, now man -- remembered John and remembered that John saw him as more than his circumstances. John remembered this man too, his name, his favorite color ... (John was known for creating a humane unit)..

We ended up standing in the gym for the next 30 minutes talking about life -- not war stories but medicine stories. It was so powerful and natural too. So much love and wisdom and life.

Today, John and his new/old friend were on the phone for an hour of non-stop back-and-forth excitement. When John got off the phone he said, "wow, he is so substantial and has so much to teach me and others."
The student surpasses the teacher.
Beautiful exchange and reconnection.
We will all meet again for coffee on Monday.
How wonderful to have the opportunity to see someone again as if for the first time. Such a gift to be able to enter into conversation this way - with grace, curiosity, and care.

A beautiful way to end the year and start the new, don't you think?

#perception #resee #reunion #forgiveness #love #care #grace #connection #kindness #beginnings


New Year's Goals -


Let's talk small for a minute. Small talk.