“You can speak well if your tongue can deliver the message of your heart.” - John Ford

I have watched this 11minute Ted talk about seven times now. I am fascinated and yet, this young woman is basically just standing there. Her tone is pretty much the same the entire presentation. She hardly uses any gestures. She doesn't get emotional either - in fact, she is almost without emotion.

What is it about her?

She is direct and clear -she doesn't try to manipulate us. She takes her time and she pauses when necessary. She is fully herself without apology-looking at us and speaking directly to us. Her head and heart are in alignment. She speaks from what she knows, what she is passionate about. She is not coming from a place of ego either; There is no "please like me" and yet, how can we resist someone so fully themselves?

Interesting and inspiring on many levels.
Greta Thunberg | TEDxStockholm



slack, text, zoom = vocal silence


Simple Tips for speaking to a large audience -