Enjoy the Now

I remember when I first left NYC to help take care of my grandmother, I thought I could save her with "doing" -- Go Go Go!
(NYC was still in my body lol)

Wherever we went, she would stop to look at a flower, beckoning me to stop too and really see AND smell the flower(s) with her.

It took me a minute but eventually, I got what she was trying to teach me. Not just slow down to smell the flowers but -
Be here now; Be with me; Enjoy us now.

Enjoy the now.

I love the way she taught me - not so much with words but in her actions.

Mostly, I don't walk by beauty anymore.
IF I am moving too fast, I remember what she taught me and I am grateful.

#grandmawisdom #smelltheflowers #breathe #remember


No more boring talks, please


Put down the phone, put down the script.